
The modern SSH client you must have for the new Windows 10!

Windows 10 isn't about running the same old legacy desktop software. It's about evolving; creating new possibilities and opportunities for brand new technologies and ideas. When you get Windows 10, don't just be content with not seeing error messages from your same old programs. Explore the new world of modern apps and make your life more efficient and elegant!

Are you ready for an awesomely modern SSH client? Here it is - Token2Shell/MD!

Comprehensive SSH Support

Along with rock solid XTerm/ANSI/VT100/VT102/VT52 terminal emulations, Token2Shell/MD supports the following authentication and cryptographic methods.

Supported Connection TypesSSH2, TELNET, TCP Direct, Serial, Bluetooth/RFCOMM
(For serial communication, on-board serial ports commonly found in legacy computers are *NOT* supported)
Authentication MethodsPassword, Keyboard-Interactive, Public Key
Ciphersaes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr,, aes128-cbc, aes192-cbc, aes256-cbc
MAC (Message Authentication Code),,,, hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha2-512, hmac-sha1, hmac-md5
Key Exchange, ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1, diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1, diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
Hostkey Typesecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521, ssh-ed25519, ssh-rsa, ssh-dss
Data Compressionnone, zlib,


Need to upload or download files? You don't have to launch another app; Token2Shell/MD already has a hybrid SFTP/SCP for SSH sessions!

The hybrid SFTP/SCP engine in Token2Shell/MD makes use of both SFTP and SCP in order to maximize its transfer speed. However, if the server does not support SCP or cannot handle high-speed SFTP, Token2Shell/MD automatically falls back to the standard SFTP. File uploading can also be started via drag-and-drop or paste directly from Windows File Explorer.

While transferring files, please don't minimize Token2Shell/MD to the Taskbar. It may trigger Windows OS to pause running the app altogether.

Direct File Printing

Along with supporting traditional local printing options that can redirect received text to a printer, Token2Shell/MD newly introduces Direct File Printing that natively supports previewing and printing PDF files over SSH or any connection type supported in Token2Shell/MD.

Token2Shell/MD also includes local network printing mode and using that with Direct File Printing, you can transparently have a remote file printed on your local network printer. For example, if your local network printer accepts PostScript and your server can generate its output in the same format, you simply need to save your output as a PostScript file and send it over Direct File Printing whenever you need to print.


Token2Shell/MD supports Tektronix 4014 graphic commands for drawing lines and images. This feature is automatically invoked in a similar way as XTerm. Thus if you're using such server software as gnuplot, simply selecting "xterm" as a terminal type should be enough to redirect its graphic output to Token2Shell/MD.

Line Sender

Line Sender can be handy when you have a slow connection or need to send the same set of commands repeatedly. Each text line you enter in Line Sender can also be automatically sent to all opened sessions.

Pressing ENTER key sends the full line regardless of the current cursor position. If you wish to send the line up to the current cursor position and start a new line from that position, press CTRL+ENTER.

If you make a text selection, pressing ENTER key will only send the selected text.

Keyboard Shortcuts
Show or Focus to Line SenderALT+CNewCTRL+N
Send Current LineF5 or ENTERSave AsCTRL+S

Seamless Feature Integration

  • Address Book

    Manage servers and customize their connection settings including Auto Login and Startup Macro. For a quick access, you can also pin address book entries and folders to Start screen.

  • Login Agent for SSH sessions

    When it's enabled you don't need to enter your password repeatedly to log into the same server. Login Agent caches login credentials and discards them when Token2Shell/MD is closed. (They are retained while Token2Shell/MD is still in suspended mode.)

    Agent Forwarding is also supported for SSH connections with RSA/DSA public key user authentication.

  • Command Macro

    You can use the same set of commands supported in Token2Shell for Windows and create simple send/wait type script files.

  • Slow Paste

    Instead of sending all at once, the pasted text is parsed into lines and sent sequentially according to the trigger condition. A next line trigger condition can be a preset time or a word sent from the connected server.

  • X11 Forwarding

    Token2Shell/MD supports X11 forwarding for SSH sessions (This feature is not available for Windows 10 Mobile since it requires a separate X server running in the background and such background task is not allowed in the Mobile).

    Please note that in order to properly use X11 forwarding, you need to separately run an X server such as VcXsrv ( or Xming (

    Also, please don't minimize Token2Shell/MD to the Taskbar while using X11 forwarding. It may trigger Windows OS to pause running the app altogether.

  • Virtual Keypad

    Token2Shell/MD has a built-in keypad for quickly entering special keys and characters. (Please note that this virtual keypad is only intended for sending key inputs to the connected server.)

  • Snapshot

    When you need to take a snapshot of a terminal screen or the Graph window, simply press ALT+P or select [ Snapshot ] menu. Token2Shell/MD will then copy only the content area to clipboard as a bitmap image.

  • Character Code Pages and Input Methods

    Token2Shell/MD seamlessly supports all the character code pages and input methods installed on your Windows. For character input methods that require compositions such as Chinese/Japanese/Korean, Token2Shell/MD delays sending the characters until you enter a non-composition-required character (ex. alphabets, space, numbers and etc.).

Shareable Settings

  • Importing Home Folder

    Token2Shell/MD supports using address book entries, RSA/DSA private keys, keyboard mappings and other essential configuration files from Token2Shell for Windows. So, if you're already a Token2Shell for Windows user, simply copy back and forth the Home Folder to synchronize the configuration ([ Tools ] » [ Settings ] » general » home folder).

    However, please note that if you edit an address book entry that was created in Token2Shell for Windows, some settings may get lost as Token2Shell/MD does not support the same set of options.

  • Importing Private Keys

    Token2Shell/MD supports private key files in OpenSSH ( format. If you have such private key files, you can import them by selecting those files in [ Tools ] » [ Private Keys ] » [ + ] » [ Import ]. When selecting your private key files, make sure to also select their corresponding public key files.

    A file name for a public key must be the same as its corresponding private key except for the file extension; a public key file must have a '.pub' file extension. For example, if your private key file is named 'myserver.key', its public key file must be named ''.

Smartphone and Continuum Ready!

Token2Shell/MD is based on Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and it fully supports smartphones with Windows 10 Mobile as well as PC's.

If you have a Continuum capable Windows Mobile smartphone, you can turn it into a full PC and seamlessly continue working on terminal sessions with settings and address book entries you already have on your smartphone.

NOTE. Some features are disabled or hidden for Windows 10 Mobile devices based on its memory limitation (ex. background option may not available on smartphones with less than 2GB of memory).

Keyboard Shortcuts

New session terminalALT+N
New session terminal on a new desktopALT+SHIFT+N
Open quick connect popupALT+D
(Closes window if already disconnected)
(Same as "One More" if already connected)
(Only if not connected)
One MoreALT+R
(Same as "Reconnect" if not connected)
One More with X11ALT+SHIFT+R
(Same as "Reconnect" if not connected)
Address Book side panel or popupALT+A
Command Macro side panel or popupALT+M
Line SenderALT+C
Session Data CaptureALT+L
Toggle full window modeALT+ENTER
Toggle collapsed window modeALT+SHIFT+ENTER
Open collapsed windowSPACE/ENTER
Toggle full screen modeWINDOWS+SHIFT+ENTER
(To end scrollback mode, press ESC/SPACE/END)
Direct window selectionALT+1 ⋯ ALT+0
(First 10 windows listed on the bottom command bar)
Open next windowCTRL+TAB
Close windowCTRL+F4
(ALT+Q also closes the window if its session has already closed.)
Reverse find next directionSHIFT+ENTER
Copy selected text to clipboardCTRL+INS
Paste text in clipboardSHIFT+INS
Slow Paste text in clipboardALT+SHIFT+INS
Copy selected text to clipboard and then pasteCTRL+SHIFT+INS
Send Control Characters:
^@ (0x00) • ^[ (0x27) • ^\ (0x28) • ^] (0x29) • ^^ (0x30) • ^_ (0x31) • ^? (0x7F)
or CTRL+@/[/\/]/^/_/?
Send CR+LF regardless of terminal settingsCTRL+ENTER
Copy to clipboard ('Graph Window' only)CTRL+C
Open new command popup ('Command Macro' edit page only)ALT+C


  • If you're having a problem using the BACKSPACE key, try pressing CTRL+BACKSPACE as it always sends 0x7F (^?) instead of the default 0x08 (^H) control character. If CTRL+BACKSPACE works, you can change the BACKSPACE key setting permanently via [ Tools ] » [ Settings ] » terminal » keyboard mapping » right gear icon button » Edit. You should also be able to solve the problem by changing the BACKSPACE key assignment on your server to accept 0x08 (^H) via "stty" command.
  • Double tapping the background image also opens a new terminal window.
  • Right mouse click or tap-and-hold gesture opens the bottom command bar. In full screen mode, tapping the command bar button on title bar also shows the bottom command bar.

  • Holding a SHIFT key while pressing the "New" bottom command bar button opens a new terminal window on a new desktop.
  • When you're in Tablet Mode and get annoyed by the on-screen keyboard keep popping up and down, you can make the keyboard always visible by using 'Show touch keyboard button' taskbar menu.