If you have been using one of our previous terminal emulation products and now wish to start using Token2Shell (http://choung.net/Token2Shell/) or Token2Shell/Mobile (http://choung.net/Token2Shell/Mobile/), the following describes how you can migrate the configuration settings including address book entries.

SecureToken      Token2 Plus

Step 1. Download

Step 2. Copy

After downloading, copy the included "SetupMigrationTool.exe" to SecureToken or Token2 Plus installation folder.

Step 3. Execute

Execute "SetupMigrationTool.exe" and click "Start" button.

If no errors were occurred, a "Done!" message box is shown after the converting process. Clicking the "OK" button on this message box will close the program.

Step 4. Done!

Step 3 will create a "Token2Shell" folder in the same directory. This Token2Shell folder contains the extracted address book entries and configuration settings. Hence, you can now move the folder to any location you wish and use it with Token2Shell.

To use the folder from Token2Shell, simply launch Token2Shell and click the data home folder button, and then select the new folder.

mToken       mToken Lite

Step 1. Download

Step 2. Copy

After downloading, copy the included "SetupMigrationToolWM.exe" to the parent folder of mToken data folder. mToken data folder is set to "\My Documents\mToken" when you first install mToken. Thus, in that case, copy "SetupMigrationToolWM.exe" to "\My Documents" folder.

Please note that if you already have installed Token2Shell/Mobile and its "Token2Shell" data folder exists in the same location, it will be overwritten. If you wish to preserve the existing "Token2Shell" folder, you need to rename it before running "SetupMigrationToolWM.exe".

Step 3. Execute

Execute "SetupMigrationToolWM.exe" and tap "Start" menu button.

If no errors were occurred, a "Done!" message box is shown after the converting process. Tapping the "OK" button on this message box will close the program.

Step 4. Done!

Step 3 will create a "Token2Shell" folder in the same directory. This Token2Shell folder contains the extracted address book entries and configuration settings. Hence, you can now move the folder to any location you wish and use it with Token2Shell/Mobile.

To use the folder from Token2Shell/Mobile, simply launch Token2Shell/Mobile and tap [ Menu ] » [ Home Folder ], and then select the new folder.


  • Each entry of address book in Token2Shell or Token2Shell/Mobile corresponds to a file. Thus the characters that are not appropriate for a file name (\ / : * ? " < > |) are replaced with underscore (_) characters. If the resulted file name already exists in the destination folder, the existing file will be overwritten.
  • If you only wish to transfer address book entries, copy "address.book" and "keymap" folder to your current Token2Shell data home folder instead of directly using the Token2Shell folder created in Step 2. (When you first install Token2Shell or Token2Shell/Mobile, the data home folder is set to Token2Shell in your "My Documents" folder.)